Kristin Stancliff's Senior Page

Hobbies: Dancing, Hunting, Fishing, Gardening, Hanging-out with friends

Favorite Color(s): Red, White, and Blue

Favorite Music: Country

Favorite Song/Artist: "Me and You" and "Because of Your Love", Kenny Chesney

Favorite Movie(s): "To Dance with the White Dog" and "Save the Last Dance"

Favorite Foods: Mexican and Seafood

Favorite Drink: Vanilla Dr Pepper from Sonic

Favorite TV Show(s): The Dating Story, The Wedding Story, and The Baby Story all on TLC

Best Accomplishment(s) While in High School: Being a Derby Doll, Being Selected on the "All American" Performance Team which performed at the Florida Citrus Bowel, 2001

Favorite Saying: An Advantage Unused is a Disadvantage. Dave Weinbaum